
International language organization (under establishment)

Organización de idiomas internacionales (en su creación)

La Lingua Internazionale (Organizzazione fondata in)

Die Internationale Sprache Organisation (gründung)

Organisation internationale de la langue (création)

Организация "Международная языковая организация"

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悬赏十亿美元 $1 billion reward

时间:2020/12/9 18:02:24 点击:

  核心提示: $1 billion reward I would like to set up the headquarters of the international language organi...

$1 billion reward

I would like to set up the headquarters of the international language organization in any of the following countries: New York, Russia, Moscow, London, France, Paris, Germany, Berlin, Italy, Rome, Madrid, Spain, Stockholm, Sweden, Helsinki, Finland, Bern, Switzerland, Austria, Vienna, New Delhi, India, Bangkok, Vietnam, Hanoi, Japan, Tokyo, Canada Ottawa, Canberra, Australia, Brasilia, Mexico City, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Bogota, Colombia, Santiago, Chile. Who can help me get in touch with the leaders of any of the above countries to accept my plan? After the birth of the international language organization, in case of sufficient funds, pay US $1 billion as a bonus. Please note that my decision may be invalid at any time. You need to contact me as soon as possible. In November 2018, I met my mother, who is in good health. Due to the car accident, the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China and other situations that have harmed me, I haven't visited my mother for more than a year. The day before yesterday, I saw my mother. My mother was persecuted by bad people. My mother was dementia. I am heartbroken and heartbroken. My mother's persecution has something to do with the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China. I made a $1 billion reward under such circumstances. Please save the information and articles of this website. This website may be damaged by bad people at any time. 
(gaigailun Founder of international language organization,2020-6-14,china beijing) 


我希望在以下任何国家设立国际语言组织总部:美国纽约、俄罗斯莫斯科、英国伦敦、法国巴黎、德国柏林、意大利罗马、马德里西班牙、瑞典斯德哥尔摩、芬兰赫尔辛基、瑞士伯尔尼、奥地利维也纳、印度新德里、泰国曼谷、越南河内、日本东京、加拿大渥太华、澳大利亚堪培拉、巴西首都巴西利亚、墨西哥城、阿根廷布宜诺斯艾利斯、哥伦比亚波哥大、智利圣地亚哥。 谁能帮我联系到上述国家的领导人接受我的计划,国际语言组织成立后,在资金充足的情况下,支付10亿美元作为奖金。 请注意,我的这个悬赏10亿美元的决定随时可能作废,但是,在此之前我规定的悬赏一亿美元的规定是仍然有效的。 2018年11月,我的母亲身体健康的,我由于车祸事件被撞伤和建国70周年事件我被警察打伤,以及其他伤害我的情况,我已经一年多没有去看望母亲了。前天,我见到了我妈妈。我母亲受到坏人的迫害。我妈妈得了痴呆症。我很伤心。我母亲的迫害与建国70周年事件有关。在这种情况下,我做出悬赏10亿美元的奖励的决定。 请保存本网站的信息和文章。本网站随时可能被坏人破坏。 

作者:gaigailun 来源:概概论
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